Doug Dillon’s Books



Fiction for young adults and adults young at heart


St. Augustine Trilogy

Told in his own words, this paranormal/historical series is a very personal account of fifteen-year-old Jeff Golden’s explosive coming of age in America’s oldest and most haunted city, St. Augustine, Florida.

Join Jeff and his girlfriend Carla as they experience mind-blowing events that threaten to destroy their very existence.

Follow the two teens as Lobo, the Native American shaman, tries to protect them from powerful forces beyond understanding.  Be there when Jeff and Carla discover the depths of reality as well as their own powers to reshape what they find.

Sliding Beneath the Surface   Stepping off a Cliff   Targeting Orions's Children



Nonfiction for adults and mature young adults


Explosion of Being   Carl Jung Hauntings



History and Geography books for schools and libraries


History of Asia   Class trip to St. Augustine   We Visit Venezuela