Haunting, Infinite Fractals

hauntingDo you like the repeating graphic art on each page of this website?

In designing my site, I wanted to create an atmosphere that would immediately grab visitors and draw them into the unknown laced with infinite possibilities. Since most of my books deal with the paranormal, or supernatural if you prefer, any graphics used would have to be spooky but how to do that in a classy yet not overblown way was the question.

I flirted with the idea of having something designed and even sat down with a legal pad and tried coming up with some sort of basic structure myself. Didn’t work, so I started scouring the Internet for ideas. Finally, after driving myself half crazy trying to find a fit, I remembered how fascinated I was a number of years ago with fractal art. Aha!

In case you haven’t been introduced to fractals, they are simply repeating and branching patterns in nature like frost on a window when it’s really cold, intricate coastlines, or the veins in leaves. Mathematicians design their own fractals by creating formulas and plugging them into computers. When manipulated by some truly creative minds, the results can be beautiful, thought provoking and seem to go on forever.

Knowing I was on the right track, I found lots of fractal sites on the net, loaded with all kind of goodies. Then in one particular gallery, I spotted a picture that really captured my attention and it ended up being the one I used. Created by Sarah Scotland, she had named it, of all things, Haunting. Haunting? Can you believe it? Talk about all things being connected. Treat yourself by visiting her website if you get a chance.

When I asked her for permission to use Haunting on my website, she gracefully consented. Thank you again, Sarah. What a beautiful piece of art.

Interesting how things happen like that isn’t it?

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