Your Natural Paranormal Heritage: Part 1, Getting Started

These are the initial helpful steps you can take right now if you wish to uncover your natural, paranormal birthright. Since you already have innate understandings, abilities, and connections in this arena, what you will read about here is nothing more than initial handholds leading you on a journey of self-rediscovery. In the end, YOU are your best teacher.

This information is adapted from the nonfiction book my wife Barbara and I wrote many years ago titled, An Explosion of Being: An American Family’s Journey into the Psychic. What you have here is just part of a series. The rest of the postings are located under the blog category titled, “Guidance”. Click here, however, if you would like to access ALL of the articles on this subject in one posting.

Hope you find this beneficial.

1. A Paranormal Notebook

If it is your intent to pursue a path of personal exploration into the nature of existence, we strongly recommend that you establish a simple record keeping system. A spiral notebook does the job very nicely. In it, record by date, every dream, event, perception, coincidence or communication that could possibly indicate your linkage with your own truer reality.

This exercise will:

  • Force you to begin evaluating all sorts of life circumstances
  • Promote the possibility of further occurrences
  • Show you patterns of information and events that you never would have suspected without such careful day by day attention
  • Provide a historical account useful to others within or outside your own family. In our case, our notebooks evolved into our book, An Explosion of Being.

If you don’t like to write, it can seem difficult to maintain such information, but its importance can’t be overlooked. With a little effort, tiny segments of time can be found, and shorthand methods of entry can be devised to minimize the burden. If you follow the steps in you find here, use the notebook as a storehouse for the results.

2. Ask Yourself Why You Are Alive At This Moment

It’s a simple question and you may say, “Oh, come on, now.” As simple as it sounds, an answer forged quietly, honestly, and fully, will show you the edges of your current belief system. Barb and I suggest you write your answer in the Paranormal Notebook, because the act of transferring such thoughts to paper will force an increased clarity.

If your answer is, “I don’t know,” or “Mom and Pop wanted kids,” fine, write it down. Once you have your answer in all its complexity or brevity, file it away for three months; six months or a year. At the end of that time, bring out this same question and your answer and try again. The difference between the two answers, or several answers, over longer periods of time could show some interesting changes.

3. Ask Yourself Why Are You Reading This Article Just Now?

Was it out of curiosity? Did someone recommend it? Were you looking for specific kinds of information? Were you hoping to find some answers to questions sensed, but not formulated?

Look at your own definition of what your conscious purpose was, because it sets the stage for the potential usefulness of what value this information will have for you.

4. Ask Yourself, “About the Paranormal, I Believe That . . .”

Coupled with your answer as to why you are alive, take another page in your notebook and complete the statement above. Whether you use one line or three pages is not important. This exercise will help to solidify your current outlook. Also, repeated over a period of months or years, doing this can show some very startling changes.

You might find some enlightening information about yourself if you also respond to the companion question, “About the Paranormal, I Wish I Could Believe that …”

5. A Support System

It’s very tough going it alone if you seriously intend to explore your relationship to your multifaceted existence. Without someone to talk to and share with, you can begin to feel quite isolated. This is especially true if your closest daily associates criticize or poke fun at your thoughts or experiences. Therefore, whatever you do, find a friend or a group having similar interests. It may involve some effort, but take it from two who continually multiply their enthusiasm and experiences by constant caring interaction. It works!

You will find a support system a must if you wish to pursue your own direct communication with alternate realities. In this way, also, you may increase the power of contact potential, while decreasing the possibility of discouragement.

Go to the blog category titled, “Guidance” for additional postings in this series titled, Your Natural Paranormal Heritage.

Click here for the ALL of the steps to Your Natural Paranormal Heritage on one posting.

Click on our book, An Explosion of Being, to find it online.

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