Within the paranormal explorations detailed in our book, An Explosion of Being, a series of channeled messages kept referring to my wife Barbara and me as twin spirits. It also spoke of us as a team helping people to understand the paranormal even before we decided to write our book. As I glanced at some of those old messages, I thought that sharing them in another venue might be of use. So, here they are, listed one after the other as they appeared over a period of about eight months many years ago:
“Take time to reflect upon your own relationship as one which has only begun to unfold. This is the beauty of a twin spirit, as time is its master on earth and each petal will only
open when readied by the soul. You are both now ready to open a new petal. Allow this process to develop in your mind and it will repeat itself many times.”
August 15
“You are both willing to challenge many people and their inborn decisions against accepting us. This will not create as many ‘friendships’ as would appeal to your natures. However, the friends that you will make will help to spread this work as an ocean spreads its waves upon the beach. Allow these friends to perpetrate their desires upon you, as they will grow from their experiences.”
August 16
“Believe yourselves, as the self is crucial to existence. Without belief in self, one cannot function, as he has lessons to learn that are only partial, and have not succeeded in meeting the whole.”
“You have observed that all of our understanding is not on your level but does pertain partially to your level. This is due to the last embodiment that was discovered by our beliefs, and the effects have not been totally reduced as yet. We are looking toward a day when we can absolve all earthly attachments and place an honor of higher systems in our paths. This will eventually happen to you also, and it will seem that you are constantly plagued by inner revelations. This is a course of study which enables you to maintain the level of desires that must accommodate you before you will turn to us and completely accept our knowledge as your own.”
February 22
“Surviving through a period of turmoil, you have enveloped a multitude of reasoning powers.”
“Be quick, yet calm to deliver these messages amongst crowds of others who attain a spiritual awareness of self. Your avenue of insight has become a stepping-stone for further attainment. Your power is reached through an insertion system which provides an avenue of linkage to a greater existence than heretofore known. Your possibilities of acquirements in this life are pyramiding toward an open scale.”
April 19
“Be kind to yourselves and wonder not where you are going, but from where you came. Your aptitudes have created your present as they will also create your past.”
“Following the flow of pages from beyond your current level of sight, you will seek to draw in the publishers (for your books). These individuals have played a part in your efforts for a purpose also. Their accompaniment through time will wait as a pleasurable expectancy. “Your books will indeed play a prominent role in the lives and creative abilities of many others.”
July 19, 1981
“Love yourselves as I will always love you and cherish your ultimate souls as your final beings. They will emit more energy than you are aware of now, but do not rely totally on this, for they are also guides for your physical bodies.”
“Wise use of tenderness gives examples to the living that our concrete purpose of being is to love and explore the senses that love shares with others. Should you all become a part of intricate love, your values open themselves unto a sea of possibilities.”
May 26,1982
“The avenues, of which I have spoken before, are now ever clearer as you both are at the entrance to existence in a truer form. The records have been exposed in order for your knowledge of experience to be duly increased. Every particle of sound will permeate your beings, thus creating the base platform for future promotions of thoughts and ideas. Your willingness to receive and transmit our messages is clearly evident. Thank you and good luck.”
June 19, 1982
“You are delving into an unknown reality that actually is known, far better than your own. You are two alone, who emerge into other realities calmly and comfortably.”
July 7, 1982
“Be calm (Doug) and adjust to your loss (business) as a temporary one. Be self-adjusting, as a period will fly through this barrier quickly and softly. A temporary learning pain will therefore adjust itself to farther outcries for help of your own nature on different levels. Be courteous to yourself. Be quick to spew self-evidence into a way of being kind to you. As you love yourself, you will be furthered as a wise person who deplores any further negative constitution to hold down further spiritual attainment.”
August 6, 1982
“As your books are entered into a giant area of interest, be aware that while they are being incorporated, they will serve as a pliable force in your life.”
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