AUTHORS OF THE PARANORMAL, a book signing event, will be held at the St. Augustine, FL Visitor Information Center featuring
authors Doug Dillon and Dave Lapham.
Come join us as we greet people coming into the center from 11 AM until 3 PM on Sunday, July 17, 2016.
Click here for more information about the location and parking. (10 W. Castillo Drive)
We’ll be chatting with folks about the paranormal in our lives, in our books and in the city of St. Augustine.
I will be signing the first two novels in my young adult, paranormal/historical series titled, The St. Augustine Trilogy.
Set in the ancient city, these books take readers, young and old, on spooky, whirlwind tours of key locations and probe actual historic events.
Dave will be signing his wonderful nonfiction books titled, The Ghosts of St. Augustine and Ancient CIty Hauntings. He is recognized as the first writer to uncover the wealth of paranormal happenings in St. Augustine and putting them in print.
Care to find out more about our books ahead of time? Just click on the titles listed below, including a link to Dave’s website:
Doug Dillon’s Books:

Dave Lapham
Dave Lapham’s Books and Website:
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