Trump Words: Words matter about Donald Trump, his demeanor, actions, administration and potential.

This shouldn’t really be a surprise
As the deep distaste and alarm with which a majority of Americans view the presidency of Donald Trump, even more and more people are joining them in their outlook. Polls tell us this is happening and a closer look at words swirling around Trump and his administration paint a most unflattering picture.
Some of those Trump Words, taken by themselves, and in other contexts, might well be innocuous, but given what things this president has said and done, color them in very interesting ways.

Words do make a differance
Words matter, and in the case of Donald Trump and his administration, those words flow not only from a dissatisfied public but also from solid segments of the United States government, highly knowledgeable former government officials, academia, think tanks, public service organizations, civil rights leaders, the media, and even world leaders.
Fair or not, in some instances, it is the impression these Trump Words leave on the mind when taken collectively. And within such a developing negative collective consciousness might well lie a restlessness that could eventually change the political landscape in the United States in ways we can only imagine. Time will tell.

Sadly, this is no laughing matter
But until then, listed below are 100 such Trump Words, out of countless others, showing a strong Trump presidency related focus in the minds of many. See what your reactions are to them, first, individually, and then as a complete package.
Finally, regardless of your political persuasion, or your thoughts about Donald Trump, ask yourself this question: where do I see all this taking us in the future if left unchecked?
NOTE: Some Trump Words connect to online sources for purposes of clarity and even in a couple of cases, as an aid to pronunciation.

One picture tells it all
- Alarming
- Alienation
- Alt-right
- Appeasement
- Authoritarian
- Arrogant
- Autocrat
- Bellicose
- Belligerent
- Bigot
- Blowhard
- Bombastic
- Breitbart
- Buffoon
- Bully
- Chaos
Big brother’s friends
- Charlottesville
- Clueless
- Collusion
- Complicit
- Conspiracy
- Corrupt
- Cover-up
- Crazy
- Dangerous
- Delusional
- Demagogue
- Destructive
- Dictator
So which is it?
- Discord
- Disgusted
- Disheartened
- Dishonest
- Distraction
- Distrust
- Egocentric
- Embarrassing
- Emoluments
- Erratic
- Fascist
- Facts
- Grandiosity
- Groupthink
- Hitler
- Hyperbole
- Idiot
- Ignorant
- Immigration
Leakers, leakers everywhere
- Inappropriate
- Incompetent
- Infighting
- Inflammatory
- Instability
- Intolerant
- Investigations
- Isolation
- Judgement
- Klan
- Kleptocracy
- Leaks
- Liar
- Loyalty
- Meddling
- Megalomania
- Misdirection
- Misogynist
- Morality
- Mueller
- Muslims
- Mussolini
- Narcissist
- Neo-Nazi
- Nepotism
- Oligarchy
- Outrageous
- Pardon
- Populist
- Racist
- Russia
- Sexist
- Shocking
- Sociopath
- Sycophant
My way or the highway
- Treason
- Turmoil
- Tweets
- Tyrannical
- Unbalanced
- Undisciplined
- Unethical
- Unfit
- Unhinged
- Unraveling
- Unqualified
Dont’t think it can’t happen
- Volatile
- Xenophobic
For further reading:
100 Words Describing Trump’s Leadership?? (
Asked to describe Trump, America’s most common replies are ‘idiot’ and ‘incompetent’ (Washington

Multiple choice?
Big Company CFOs Call Trump’s Management Style ‘Volatile,’ ‘Terrible’ and ‘Clueless’ (
‘Racist,’ ‘ignorant,’ ‘strong’ – The words you used to describe Donald Trump (LA
The Mr. Rogers Movie: Remendy for Our Troubled Times (Doug
The Trump Effect – on Children (Doug Note: This article was originally published in cooperation with Indivisible Central Florida.
The Words We Use About Donald Trump (the New
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The worst president in the history of our nation
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