Like the 32nd U.S. President, Franklin D. Roosevelt, Vice President Kamala Harris is America’s current Happy Warrior. That smile you see, that wonderful laugh, that’s the positive joy of great leadership so badly needed in this country.

Kamala Harris’ smile and laughter are twin beacons of her humanity telling us she has our best interests at heart. That Happy Warrior outlook is the face of absolute commitment to preserving and improving the American way of life as President, instead of tearing it apart.
The choice in this upcoming election is so stark, so startling and so incredibly important: Vice President Kamala Harris, the Happy Warrior, or what you see below?

If this article rings a bell for you, help us all out by sharing this link far and wide. Seriously, you know the drill. The more we communicate with others about such vital information, the more we build a wave of TRUTH that will inundate the opposition.
Most importantly, are you registered to vote? Have you given up on voting? Our freedom, our constitution and our very way of life are all threatened now like no time in history. Your vote and your involvement in this election are unbelievably crucial. Be a Happy Warrior yourself!
For more about Vice President Kamala Harris and her smile/laugh vs Donald Trump, see the links below:
“Say it to My Face’:Kamala Harris Fights Back with Humor (U.S. News and World Report, July 31, 2024)
VP Kamala Harris Explain Why She Laughs Loud: ‘O have My Mother’s Laugh’
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