Carl Jung Paranormal, Part 3: Shattered Knife

A shattered knife in Carl Jung’s youth, coupled with a split table, pushes him to understand odd coincidences. Such events will lead him to a more complete theory of mind as well as the development of what he will call, Synchronicity.

Jung's discovered knife creates great interest

Carl Gustav Jung

For the initial posting that began this series, click here.

Two weeks after a solid oak table had inexplicably split near where he was studying in his room during his teenage years, Jung came home to find everyone in his house visibly upset. His mother, sister and the maid all had the same story.

An hour before his arrival, there had been another loud explosion in the dining room just like the one he and his mother experienced when their table split. The family thought it might have come from that same table but they could find no new splits in the wood. After looking the table over himself, he agreed that it contained no new cracks.

Shatterd knife remains found here

In the cupboard

Another piece of furniture in the room was a large, wooden buffet or sideboard, where the family kept silverware and other dining items. He thought maybe that wood had split but after inspecting it, he could find no cracks in it either.

Shattered knife in with the bread

Bread breaks the knife?

Shattered knife remains found

A knife like this one?

Then on a hunch, he decided to look in a cupboard of the sideboard. There he found a basket of bread that also contained the shattered remains of a heavy steel bread knife. Jung located those pieces of metal in different corners of the basket. According to the family, the shattered knife had been used just a short time before the explosion.

Wanting to investigate further, Jung took the metal pieces of the shattered knife to a knife maker. When the man examined them with a magnifying glass, he said they looked as if the blade had exploded. He told Jung he could find no flaws in the metal and went on to say it would have taken a tremendous forced effort to produce such an effect.


The blog post above, and the others like it, became so popular that I created a book using them as the basis for particular explorations of the paranormal. Titled, Carl Jung, Hauntings, and Paranormal Coincidences, it combines the Jung material with supporting information from my own experiences and those of others.

CarlJungMediumIf you are interested in reading that book, you can find it in most online bookstores. Listed below, however, are direct book links to some of the larger retail outlets in the English speaking world:

Amazon.comAmazon CanadaAmazon UKAmazon IndiaAmazon AustraliaBarnes and NobleKobo (Canada)

But if you would like to just browse through some of those postings on Carl Jung’s paranormal experiences, you can find those links below.

Happy reading.

Part 1: Carl Jung: Paranormal, Coincidences and Synchronicity 

Part 2: The Split Table

Part 3: The  Knife (this post)

Part 4: The Ghosts

Part 5: The Cottage

Part 6; Jung and Freud

Part 7: The Wedding

Part 8: The Suicide

Part 9: The Scarab Beetle

Part 10: The Flood

Part 11: The Mosaics

Part 12: The Final Breakthrough

Other articles on Jung, Synchronicity and the Paranormal

Carl Jung’s Contribution to Paranormal Study

Energizing Jung’s Ideas About Synchronicity

Jung on Synchronicity and the Paranormal

Why two geniuses delved into the occult


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