The 100-year-old man. Working with death and dying in hospice. I worked as a volunteer for a wonderful hospice program for about eight years . Making certain that no one
Read moreA Death in Hospice: The 100-Year-Old Man
Working with death and dying in hospice. I worked as a volunteer for a wonderful hospice program for about eight years . Making certain that no one dies alone was one
Read moreWeird But True Stories for Halloween
Upcoming presentation. Paranormal. Life after death. Ghosts. supernatural. Orlando, Florida area. October, 2014. FAMILY FRIENDLY, ages 8 & up. Come join me and fellow author Dave Lapham as we spin
Read moreReading Teacher Sparks Student Interest
Kathy Snyder High school students who fail a state reading test can be hard to motivate, but teacher Kathy Snyder in Florida found a way, right at the end of the school year. Her brilliant work in using a young adult novel I had written got her...
Read moreThings That Go Bump in the Night: A Paranormal Conversation
Coming up! I’ll be giving a presentation on the paranormal in the Orlando area. Yup, if you’re interested in the spooky and the supernatural come join us. Love to have
Read moreMusic and Books in Old-time Florida
Music and books. What a great combination. How delightful to be doing a book signing during a wonderful music festival in Central Florida. Come join the fun and say hi!
Read moreAn Old-time Independent Bookstore: Here Be Dragons
Do you love bookstores? Do you enjoy finding one that’s not part of chain, one where you’re invited in as if you were a family member? Well have I got
Read moreCassadaga: The South’s Oldest Spiritualist Community
A Book Review Edited by: John J. Guthrie, Phillip Charles and Gary Monroe At the time of publication, all three editors were college professors in Central Florida Contributors: Bret E.
Read moreHelping People:The Water Project Photo Gallery
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Read moreThe Water Project: Saving Lives and Building Communities:
Clean water. In the developed world, we take it so for granted and waste it so freely. At the same time, nearly one billion people, especially in Africa, have very limited access to this life giving resource. Without such access, one child dies...
Read moreTrayvon Martin. Justice in Central Florida?
Civil liberties? Justice? Equality? Safety? All of those things are in question not just north of where I live here in Central Florida but in the rest of this state as well. The recent killing of an African American young man and the release...
Read moreFlorida Film Festival – Every April
10 days of film, food, fun and celebrities! The festival’s 21st Anniversary! Best in current independent and foreign cinema 160 cutting edge movies 100 visiting filmmakers Great fun and excitement.
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