Should you pay attention when a coincidence, or coincidences, seems to point to a possible danger? And if you pay attention, what action(s) should you take, if any, to avert that danger? My wife Barb and I are serious believers in the idea that...
Read moreFlorida Book News with Lou Belcher
Today, we have a special treat. I am interviewing Lou Belcher, the founder and editor of Florida Book News. A prolific blogger, Lou lives on the Space Coast of Florida and devotes much of her time to getting the word out about Florida writers...
Read moreSt. Augustine, FL: Old Weapons
When visiting the Castillo de San Marcos, the old Spanish fort in St. Augustine, try to make it on a Friday, Saturday or a Sunday. That’s when National Monument staff members and local volunteers in 18th century Spanish uniforms fire...
Read moreWhy am I Here? What’s My Purpose in Life?
Sometimes in life the purpose for our existence is thrust upon us instead of being a matter of true choice. My grandfather on my mother’s side, Fred Coords, found his reason for being in the form a family tragedy. When my brother Wally was...
Read moreSt. Augustine, FL: Cannon Firing Photo Gallery
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Read moreSt. Augustine, FL: Coquina–the King’s Building Material
In the 17th century St. Augustine, Florida area, the Spanish built the Castillo de San Marcos and Fort Matanzas out of a local material we identify today as “coquina” (ko-kee-na). A limestone kind of rock, it’s actually made up...
Read moreSt. Augustine, FL: Soldiers of the Past
They call themselves the St. Augustine Garrison and they present lots of delightful reenactment events in America’s oldest city. Dressed in 18th Century uniforms, these folks are dedicated to portraying little bits of Spanish military...
Read moreSt. Augustine. FL: Spanish Soldiers, 18th Century – Photo Gallery
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Read moreSpotlight on Writers: Ginny Rorby
Fellow writer and Winter Park High School classmate, Ginny Rorby, was in the Orlando area this week. I found her at Books-A-Million in Casselberry doing a book signing. How delightful to see a writer in such a natural habitat. Ginny writes for...
Read moreParanormal Florida: Cassadaga, Spiritualist Bookstore
If you ever visit the Spiritualist Community of Cassadaga, Florida, be sure to first stop by the bookstore at the center of town. It contains a wide variety of books on spirituality, the paranormal, meditation, yoga, healing, and...
Read moreParanormal Events-Coincidences: Cassadaga, FL
In our investigations into the paranormal, my wife Barbara and have come to the conclusion that no events are truly coincidental. Having that belief is one thing but seeing it demonstrated in a highly dramatic way tends to really grab your...
Read moreParanormal Florida: Cassadaga, a Spiritualist Community
Before writing our nonfiction book on the paranormal, An Explosion of Being, my wife Barbara and I visited the Spiritualist community of Cassadaga. Just forty miles or so north of our home in Central Florida, it helped launch us on a way to...
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